NGO Audit


At Numbersmiths Consulting, we offer comprehensive audit services tailored specifically for non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to ensure transparency, compliance, and financial integrity. Our team of experienced auditors understands the unique challenges faced by NGOs and provides expert guidance to support their mission-driven work.

Package Inclusions:

1. Advising on a suitable form of organization for NGO working: – We provide expert advice on the appropriate legal structure for your NGO, whether it be a society, trust, or section 8 company. Our consultants will guide you through the process of choosing the most suitable form of organization based on your objectives and compliance requirements. 2. Assistance in Registration of society/trust or section 8 company: – Our team will assist you in the registration process of your NGO, ensuring compliance with all legal and regulatory requirements. We handle the paperwork, documentation, and liaison with the concerned authorities to streamline the registration process. 3. Helping in obtaining FCRA Registration and other compliances: – If your NGO engages in receiving foreign contributions, we provide assistance in obtaining FCRA (Foreign Contribution Regulation Act) registration. Our team will ensure compliance with all FCRA regulations and help you navigate the complexities of compliance in this area. 4. Advising on income tax and other registrations: – We offer comprehensive advice on income tax matters, including registration under relevant sections such as 80G and 12AA of the Income Tax Act. Our experts will guide you on the eligibility criteria and necessary documentation for availing tax benefits and exemptions. 5. Accounts Outsourcing Services: – To streamline your financial operations, we provide outsourcing services for NGO accounting. Our dedicated team will handle your bookkeeping, financial reporting, and compliance requirements, allowing you to focus on your core activities. 6. Internal Audit services: – Our internal audit services help you strengthen your internal controls, risk management, and governance processes. We conduct thorough audits to identify any potential areas of improvement, mitigate risks, and ensure compliance with regulatory guidelines. 7. Statutory Audit Service: – As part of our NGO audit services, we perform statutory audits in accordance with applicable accounting standards and regulations. Our experienced auditors will review your financial statements, ensuring accuracy, reliability, and compliance with relevant laws.
These reports are valuable for shareholders, investors, lenders, and other stakeholders who rely on your financial information. At Numbersmiths Consulting, we go beyond a mere compliance exercise. Our financial statement audits offer insights and recommendations that can help you improve your financial reporting processes, strengthen your internal controls, and make informed business decisions. Our experienced auditors follow a rigorous audit methodology, including risk assessment, testing of controls, substantive procedures, and analytical review, to ensure the accuracy, completeness, and reliability of your financial statements. By choosing Numbersmiths Consulting for your financial statement audit needs, you can expect a seamless and efficient audit process that delivers reliable and trustworthy financial information.

What is the Benefit of NGO Audit?

NGO audits offer several benefits for organizations in the non-profit sector:

Financial Accountability NGO audits provide assurance to stakeholders, donors, and the public that the organization’s financial statements are accurate, reliable, and comply with applicable laws and regulations. It enhances transparency and strengthens the organization’s credibility.
Compliance with Regulatory Requirements NGOs are subject to specific legal and regulatory frameworks governing their financial operations. An audit ensures that the organization is adhering to these requirements and helps identify any areas of non-compliance.
Improved Financial Management NGO audits provide valuable insights into financial management practices. Recommendations from auditors can help organizations enhance their financial processes, systems, and internal controls, leading to improved efficiency and effectiveness.
Risk Mitigation Audits help identify financial risks and internal control weaknesses within an NGO. By conducting a thorough assessment, potential risks can be identified and mitigated, safeguarding the organization’s assets and resources.

What are the Types of Financial Statements for Conducting NGO Audit?

The key financial statements commonly audited in NGO audits include:

Statement of Financial Position (Balance Sheet) This statement provides an overview of an NGO’s assets, liabilities, and net assets at a specific point in time. It reflects the organization’s financial position and helps assess its solvency and liquidity.
Statement of Activities (Income Statement) The statement of activities presents the revenues, expenses, gains, and losses incurred by the NGO during a specific period. It shows the organization’s financial performance and whether it has generated a surplus or incurred a deficit.
Statement of Cash Flows This statement tracks the inflow and outflow of cash from operating, investing, and financing activities. It provides insights into an NGO’s cash position, its ability to generate cash, and how it utilizes its funds.

These financial statements, along with accompanying notes, form the foundation for conducting an NGO audit. The audit process involves examining the accuracy and reliability of financial information, assessing compliance with applicable standards, and providing an independent opinion on the financial statements’ fairness and transparency.

At Numbersmiths Consulting, we are committed to providing NGOs with reliable and transparent audit services that enhance their accountability, credibility, and financial sustainability.

Contact us today to learn more about our NGO audit services and how we can support your organization’s mission.

What is an NGO or Non-Governmental Organization?

A Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) is a not-for-profit entity that operates independently of government control. NGOs are typically formed to address social, environmental, or humanitarian issues and work towards the betterment of society. They rely on grants, donations, and funds from various sources to support their activities and fulfill their mission.

(FAQs) about our NGO Audit:

1. Why is an NGO audit important ?

An NGO audit is important for several reasons. It ensures financial accountability and transparency, provides assurance to stakeholders and donors, helps identify areas of financial risk and non-compliance, and improves financial management practices.

2. When should an NGO conduct an audit ?
NGOs should conduct audits annually or as required by legal or regulatory obligations. It is also advisable to conduct an audit when seeking funding from donors who may require audited financial statements.
3. Who can perform an NGO audit ?
NGO audits are typically conducted by independent and qualified auditors who specialize in non-profit organizations and have experience in auditing NGOs. It is important to engage a reputable auditing firm with relevant expertise.
4. What documents are required for an NGO audit ?
The documents typically required for an NGO audit include financial statements, bank statements, receipts and invoices, payroll records, donor agreements and grants, and any other relevant financial and operational records.
5. How long does an NGO audit take ?
The duration of an NGO audit depends on various factors, such as the size and complexity of the organization, the scope of the audit, and the availability of required documents. It can range from a few weeks.
6. What are the potential risks identified during an NGO audit ?
During an NGO audit, potential risks that may be identified include financial mismanagement, inadequate internal controls, non-compliance with regulations, improper use of funds, and weaknesses in governance and oversight.
7. Can an NGO audit help attract donors ?
Yes, an NGO audit can help attract donors as it provides them with confidence and assurance that their funds will be managed and utilized responsibly. Audited financial statements enhance the credibility and transparency of an organization.
8. What is the difference between an internal audit and an external audit for an NGO ?
An internal audit is conducted by the internal audit department or team of the organization itself and focuses on evaluating and improving internal controls, risk management, and operational processes. An external audit is conducted by an independent external auditor and primarily focuses on providing an objective assessment of the organization’s financial statements and compliance with regulations.
9. How can an NGO prepare for an audit ?

To prepare for an NGO audit, organizations should maintain accurate and up-to-date financial records, ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations, implement robust internal controls, and have proper documentation and supporting evidence for transactions and activities.

Contact our team to assist you with any queries regarding our NGO audit